New partnership with American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland

„Es gibt nur eins, was auf Dauer teurer ist als Bildung, keine Bildung.“ (John F. Kennedy). Doch oftmals können Aus,- oder Weiterbildungen das Budget potenzieller Kunden strapazieren.

Fehlende finanzielle Mittel führen zu nicht wahrgenommenen Bildungsmöglichkeiten. Und genau da kommen wir als Finanzierungspartner ins Spiel und freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass wir nach der Bénédict School mit dem American Institute of Applied Sciences in der Schweiz einen weiteren Partner begrüssen dürfen.

The American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland (AUS) is a private and fully accredited higher education institution offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in business administration and various specialization offerings for the industry. AUS's partnership with Tiffin University in the United States allows AUS students to earn a Dual Degree from both universities. All courses are taught in English by leading international business visionaries who bring extensive teaching and business experience to their classrooms. Students represent over 40 nationalities from Asia, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the MENA region, sharing their experiences, cultural perspectives, and diverse work experiences, supporting AUS's global perspective.

The loan is granted directly to the university, which in turn transfers the installment payment contracts with the students to Cashare. The borrower is the university and it also bears the risk of default among the students. Our first project with a tranche of CHF 232k at 7.9% over 24 months was financed in a very short time. Ten students preferred monthly installment payments and through our financing offer, AUS was able to enable their students to study.

We look forward to a further cooperation and many future hard-working course graduates. If you want to find out more about the AUS, then have a look at the homepage:

Logo American University of Applied Sciences Institute in Switzerland

Chemin du Levant 5
1814 La Tour-de-Peilz

Phone: +41 21 944 95 01

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